about us

Human Rights Agenda(HRA)

We are an independent non-profit organization that defends human rights in Yemen by building collaboration within the human rights groups and civil society space. We build the capabilities of organizations and workers on human rights.
We document Human rights violations, and use advocacy to raise voices of victims. We support victims, victim groups and vulnerable groups and encourage their empowerment and representation in key human rights-related conversations. Human Rights Agenda is a catalyst that works in partnership with community-level, national, and international civil society to amplify our collective impact and realize the enjoyment of human rights for all.

Our Vision

An engaged Yemeni society that enjoys human rights and promotes the values of peace, justice and redress.

Our Mission

We defend, advocate and document for human rights issues in Yemen, contribute to the promotion of human rights and building capacities on human rights. We support vulnerable groups and encourage their inclusion in key human rights conversations.​

Our goals

Our program areas

  • Civil Society

    Coordination and facilitation of human rights organizations efforts to support the enhancement of civic space in Yemen.

  • Strategic Leadership

    Develop and lead strategic advocacy campaigns on human rights, Transitional Justice and peace issues.

  • Capacity Building

    Skills development and capacity building for human rights groups and activists.

  • Victim's Voice

    Facilitate participation of victims and victim associations in key conversations and engage and organize victims' groups to formulate demands.

  • Documentation and Studies

    Documentation of Human Rights abuses and studying conflict-related and post-conflict human rights focused issues.

Our Values


We strive for impartiality, do not adopt political issues, and do not accept any funding that prejudices our independence or objectivity.

Accuracy and integrity

We search for the truth and are committed to accuracy, integrity and objectivity.

Gender Equality

We believe in full gender equality. We are keen to ensure that women are represented at all levels of the organizational hierarchy by no less than 51%.


We work in partnership with the local and international civil society. We are keen to involve influencers and stakeholders to enhance the public space of human rights.

Public interest

We prioritize public interest and the interest of the victims, even when it conflicts with the interest of the organization. We are committed to the Do No Harm


We reject violence and/or justification for it in any form.

Our Founders

Ali Jameel

(@ajmeel91) is a Yemen-based human rights defender. Former Accountability and Advocacy Director at Mwatana for Human Rights . He has led investigations and reporting on a wide range of issues, including civilian harm caused by the Saudi/UAE-led Coalition air campaign, the use of Western weapons in the Saudi/UAE-led Coalition attacks , torture and other detention-related abuse at unofficial detention facilities across Yemen, and the use of starvation as a weapon of war by parties to the ongoing conflict. He has also led the investigations and fact-finding that resulted in a communication to the Office of the Prosecutor at the ICC. He is a former fellow at the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights and practitioner-in-residence at the Human Rights Clinic of Columbia Law School.

Nuha Al-Ariki

(She/her) A Yemeni human rights defender, former Executive Director of Mwatana for Human Rights , a prominent Yemen-based human rights organization. Formerly, she led the Programs and Projects team, she was the director of Legal Support Unit at Mwatana which provides legal support to victims of detention-related abuses, women and children. Previously, she supervised part of Mwatana's field investigation team across Yemen. Prior to Mwatana, Nuha has held the Executive Director position of Kalbunyan Foundation .